Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
MBCT is an 8 week program designed to help people who have had depression, as a method for preventing relapse. In other words, the group is for people who have had depression, who are not currently depressed, but who want to stay well. The program can also be useful for people who currently have symptoms of anxiety or depression, or difficulties from life stressors. Some people with other issues, like insomnia, or chronic pain, find benefits.
Depression frequently comes back, especially in people who have repeated bouts. In this group, mindfulness skills are developed, meaning an ability to be more in the present moment. Mindfulness means paying attention to whatever is present, in a non-judgmental mode of observation. This ability has been shown to help people from getting caught in the automatic downward spiral that could lead to depression, or to excessive anxiety.
The main way we formally practice mindfulness in this program is through various forms of meditation. These are practiced at home; you can expect about an hour a day of homework in this group.
Participants are required to obtain a workbook before the group starts: The book is “The Mindful Way Workbook”, by Teasdale, et al. -it is available at Chapters/Indigo, or via Amazon. (please bring the book with you to all the sessions)
The group meetings are currently being held virtually, with Zoom (online video meetings)..
The group runs on Thursdays, 4:00-6:15 pm
-if you are interested in doing this group, please have your doctor send me a referral (fax 416-515-0241), and I will then meet with you for an assessment
NOTE: This group currently meets virtually, via Zoom.
Next start dates:
-March 6, 2025
-May 1, 2025